Dream of floating souls by Li Chevalier

As part of the T’ang Haywen exhibition, and echoing her work, Li Chevalier takes over the Musée Guimet on the evening of Nuit Blanche, Saturday June 1, 2024, with her immersive multimedia installation Rêve des âmes flottantes.

Stringed instruments, adorned with paintings and calligraphy, are installed on stage amid images of a city in ruins. In the midst of this dreamlike installation, Karol Beffa, accompanied by a string trio, will play musical compositions imagined especially for the installation at the Musée Guimet.


7:30pm: String trio, Cette obscure clarté, based on works by Li Chevalier

8:30pm: – extract from Libre Jeu, for solo viola, based on Guillaume Métayer’s collection of poems – Lamento, for viola and piano

9:30 pm: Piano improvisations on Li Chevalier’s work installed at the Musée Guimet Rêves des âmes flottantes

Performers for the evening: Violin: Mathilde Borsarello Viola: Arnaud Thorette Cello: Raphaël Perraud Piano: Karol Beffa


Article Beaux-Arts Magazine